Bavor Rodovský from Hustiřany

(1526 - 1599) Scientist, translator, cook

Bavor Rodovský from Hustiřany was an educated man although he did not attend any university or high school. He was very often much better in his knowledge of German, Latin and classical Greek than his contemporaries. There was some alchemical tradition in the Rodovský family. Bavor Rodovský started to experiment when he inherited some alchemistic means after his parents died. His passion for alchemy landed him in jail for debts. He dedicated one of his astromonical books to Wilhelm von Rosenberg, who then bought his release from jail. Bavor began to work in Wilhelm\'s service, but he did not stay too long. Rodovský wrote papers that are considered some of the best works of Czech alchemy of the end of the 16th century. Bavorský was not only translator, astronomer and chemist, but he was also a collector of culinary recipes that he took very seriously. A very interesting collection which shows the menus and tastes of his age serves as a reminderof him.

Signature of Bavor Rodovský from Hustiřany
