Cyprián Karásek Lvovický from Lvovice

(1524 - 1574) Mathematician and astronomer

Cyprian Karásek was born in 1524 in Hradec Králové into a family of a long-time town council member and later Mayor. He received an elementary education on the Hradec Králové town school then went on to study abroad. In 1540 he studied in Vratislav, in 1542 he registered at the University in Leipzig, and later on probably also on a high school in Vitenberg. From 1574 he lived in Nuremberg, then he moved to Ausburk on the court of Fuggers. After 1556 he became a professor of mathematics on a new university in Dillingen. Cyprián Karásek spent most of his time in scientific studies of mathematics and astronomy and published many publications written in Latin in this field. The Rosenbergs are credited to publishing of these works. Thanks to them, Karásek´s the most famous work called Ephemeridum novum atque insigne opus was published in 1557. Although Cyprián Karásek spent most of his life in Germany, he kept constant contact with the Czech humanists. He most likely wrote new school regulations for a school in Hradec Králové in 1566, and he contributed to the advancement of the level of education.
